Monday, November 14, 2011

Sorry all

Serious lack of updates on my blog as of late, so in order of what is to be released and when here are some updates.

The Snot Beast V.3 will be released very soon, initially i was hoping to have more but as the mold tore in a very inconvenient place I only have 5. The release was planned for Friday the 11th but as luck would have it I was far too ill to finish painting. So a new date soon.

Next up is something I am very excited about, I started working on a warm up sculpt the other day in castilene I just so happened to do it in glyos scale, now I have decided it will be done in resin. Thanks to Eric over at OneShot toys (link anyone?) generously offered to do the molding and casting as my official collaborator, which will drastically lower costs and make a nice price point.

Next up on my plate will be my mini-figure project which currently houses an old foe and Oculus Viri soon to have a third bloke in the mix

Last but most certainty not least is my collaboration with Michael Skattum

A sculpt of his character here:

Lots more soon and I will get back to posting more often but as you can see I'm busy with these and then a bunch of stuff not ready for public viewing yet.